Dietary Therapy should be the first step when one treats a disease.

 Only when this is unsuccessful should one try medicines.” Without the knowledge of proper diet, it is hardly possible to enjoy good health.”
Sun Si Miao (Tang Dynasty 618AD)“He that takes medicine and neglects diet, wastes the skill of the physician.”
~Chinese Proverb

   According to Classical Chinese Medicine a balanced diet means two things. The first is that one should eat a variety of whole foods in order to benefit from all the flavors, energies, and organic actions a varied diet offers. The second is that foods are selected according to one’s particular needs and physical constitution. A qualified Oriental medicine practitioner can evaluate you in this regard and help select foods that are specifically beneficial to you.There are two basic differences between Western nutritional therapy and traditional TCM dietary therapy.

 As used in the outpatient setting, modern Western nutritional therapy is most often used for weight loss whereas traditional Chinese nutritional therapy is used to treat a variety of health issues ranging from uncomplicated hypertension to skin disorders. The second main difference is that Western nutrition considers foods with regard to their protein, caloric, carbohydrate, vitamin, and other nutrient content. These measures were largely unknown in ancient China. Instead, TCM dietary therapy considers foods for their five flavors, five energies, movements, the common actions of foods (e.g., to lubricate dryness, soften hardness, or nourish blood), and organic actions (the specific internal organs on which certain foods can act).

   One should eat a variety of foods in order to benefit from all the flavors, energies, and organic actions of a varied diet.

   Foods should be selected according to one’s particular needs and physical constitution

Food Therapy Weighloss

GuaSha & Cupping

   Gua Sha, pronounced “Gwa Sha”, is an ancient chinese medical technique used throughout Asia in the area of bodyworks..... Gua can roughly be translated  “to rub”.   Sha is the term to describe the incredible appearance of the skin once it has been rubbed during a session of Gua Sha.   It will look very red with lots of inflammation.   

    Why is Guasha effective? Because Guasha breaks up the stagnation that causes you to feel pain and stiffness. It smooths your energy. It allows for congested blood, metabolic waste and toxins that lie deep within the tissues to be released and promotes normal circulation to the muscles, tissues and organs directly beneath the area being treated. Basically, it breaks up muscle and tissue adhesions.  It just plain feels good. About  

   Guasha: (1) It makes you feel better.

     (2) It helps to release toxins that have built up over time as a result of past injuries, poor diet, chemical and environmental exposure and emotional traumas.

     (3) It shows me exactly where you have stagnated energy!   When there are a lot of congested toxins or a stagnation of energy in an area, small red petechiae usually appear but the bruising will fade over a day or two.

   Don’t worry, just call the practitioner if you have any concern.  One thing for certain is, your muscles will feel a lot betterFor and excellent discussion on the benefits of cupping, rather than write a long lenghtly article I want to point you to one that's well done.   Read More
